Owing to the retirement of our current headteacher, the Management Committee is seeking to appoint a strong and effective headteacher to develop, lead and manage our growing PRU (presently 7 sites),
Pinderfields Hospital Pupil Referral Unit (PHPRU) provides educational opportunities for children and young people between 2 and 19 years with medical needs and /or SEN in a range of settings.
PHPRU is not a typical PRU, it works with the LA to support pupils who are currently medically unfit to attend in the short term and those in hospital. However, it also has a key role to play in providing early years assessment and specialist placements for pupils with EHC plans in partnership with the LA, and is involved in future developments of the offer across the district.
This results in a multi-site approach to meeting a range of SEND needs:
The Management Committee is looking for an exceptional individual who:
The Management Committee is fully committed, active and supportive of the school and can offer a warm and friendly environment
Ofsted Inspectors said, amongst other things:
Visits are encouraged, and are being held on the mornings of 25th September and 1st October. Please contact Diane Cameron, Business Manager, on 01924 298351 option 9 who will be able to arrange the date of your visit.
For more information about the PRU please visit our website (www.pinderfieldshospitalpru.co.uk)
Completed application forms should be returned to Pinderfields Hospital PRU, The Wrenthorpe Centre, Imperial Avenue, Wrenthorpe, Wakefield WF2 0LW (email admin@hospitalschools.wakefield.sch.uk) by Friday 4th October 2024 for shortlisting on Tuesday 8th October. Interview date 15-16th October 2024.
Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expect all staff to share this commitment. Satisfactory pre-employment checks and references will be required. You will also be required to complete an Enhanced Disclosure Application Form and to provide criminal conviction information