Wakefield Inclusion Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Support Service (WISENDSS) are seeking a Specialist Learning Support Officer (SLSO) to work within our Deaf Resource Provisions.We are looking for a motivated individual to provide excellent support to children and young people within our two resource bases:• Secondary Base is at Castleford Academy;• Primary Base is at The Rookeries Carleton Junior and Infant School, Pontefract.Staff may be assigned to either of these provisions according to pupil need/numbers.The successful candidate will be supporting deaf children with different degrees and types of deafness and modes of communication either within the resource base and/or mainstream class. We are looking for motivated professionals to support the work of the team with:
This post is term-time 32.5 hour/week
We are happy to discuss the nature of this role and the nature of the pupils/students who attend resource bases. Candidates can contact Kate Reed, Head of Deaf Provisions, KReed@castlefordacademy.com
The successful applicant will be required to complete a Disclosure Application Form and to provide criminal conviction information.